Friday, September 13, 2024

Alberto Romo-Chavez Alro Export

Blog de Alberto Romo-Chávez Jr. sobre Comercio Exterior

Congreso Negocios

Reengineering in Business

Before an audience of approximately 500 people on November 9, 2017 in the city of Puebla, México I gave the Conference "How to Sell the Largest Market in the World" organized by the Universidad del Valle de Puebla in its "IX Business Congress".

"The conference focused on how to be successful selling the largest market in the world "United States"". The main objective was to motivate the audience to export, regardless of their profession, showing them how profitable and easy it can be when certain practical skills are acquired. Some of them were explained in a clear and concise way during the conference.

In these hard times of uncertainty and doubts, due to the meetings taking place to renegotiate the TLCAN., without any concrete results as of yet. Exporting was not an immediate priority for part of the audience. However, the seed was planted hoping will grow with time.

Yet, I showed them that there should be no fear in the outcome of the negotiation, since 51% of the goods that we currently export to the US have nothing to do with the treaty. 

Our strength as a country of manufactures makes it most convenient to promote and sell our goods independently the outcome of the treaty to the largest market in the world. We are close; we can ship fast and frequently, three of the main competitive advantages we have as a country. Except Canada no country in the world can enjoy these competitive and important advantages.

In addition, we have abundance in raw materials and worldwide recognition of our creativity. We need to be bold and not to have fear. Exporting is how Mexico will grow and small and medium size business is the way to accomplish such growth.

We prepared the subject so that it was as clear and explicit as possible and, therefore, the questions abounded. One question was: ¿What will happen if it is decided to end NAFTA?

To answer such question I decided to make a small exercise, I asked the audience to raise their hands all those whose families, friends and acquaintances had shares or owned car assemblers or electronic companies. Response: nobody in the audience raised their hands!

How many in the audience had relatives that owned land for the cultivation of some exportable agriculture product, Response: only three and none did exporter

Conclusion, anyone attended the conference could export with or without TLCAN; there was no reason for that concern regarding the final outcome on the treaty.

The other concern for most of the audience was the diversification of markets. The answer was; all of us there can, and should export. However, we must develop “decorative utilitarian manufactures” to be exported specially to the US. Our natural market where we enjoy great competitive advantages, mentioned before. Also, we should not forget all of those countrymen living there.

We thank Professor Guadalupe Becerra and UVP for their kind invitation to participate in this important event.

Thank you, very muchAlberto Romo Chávez, Jr.

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